Cyn: Bye guys! Bingo: See you tomorrow! Cyn: Hey Argent. Because of what I know, will those bumblebees come after us? Argent: No. Cyn: Bad guys or good guys, we don’t seem to get many visitors. -click- Cyn: Strange, huh?
Argent: Cyn, have you seen that teal map ribbon around here? Cyn: Ah, I think I dropped it. Argent: Could be anywhere now. Grrr: That’s an odd subject. Dog: It’s for a school report. Grrr: Heh. There are a few books. But the thing about secret organizations is you’ll only be able to find what… Read more »
Unreadable Mind
Cyn: Nobody knows what I’m thinking. I can think whatever I want. Muahaha~ Bingo: See, look! She’s making that face again. Argent: No sudden movements, or you’ll draw her attention.
Monitored Calls
Phone: Welcome. This call may be monitored to ensure you receive the highest quality of service. Argent: That’s what they want you to think the monitoring is for.
Environmentalist’s Monopoly
Cyn: I started thinking about applying for a job that pays more. Bingo: I thought you liked all of your jobs. Cyn: but I could make more money doing something less fun. Except I couldn’t figure out why I would need more money. What would I do with it? Bingo: You could buy things! Cyn:… Read more »
Love and Fame
Cyn: Love? Who needs love when you can have fame!Make it stop. Argent: I told you, but you would not listen.
Bingo: Hey Argent, what’s wrong with Cyn? Argent: You know of shared office microwaves? Bingo: Yeah… Argent: The sort that are always somewhat dirty, though every once in a while someone wipes off the plate and walls? Bingo: Uh-huh… Argent: She went to clean off the plate and noticed the microwave ceiling for the first… Read more »
Cyn: Snow!
Oh Dear
Argent: Cyn, what’s this? Cyn: I won 500 bucks.
Hour After Hour
Cyn: I should get off the internet now. One Hour Later Cyn: I should get off the internet now.
Argent: ‘Brainstorming’ and ‘throwing out ideas’ are wimpy. If nine out of ten ideas are going to be junk, you might as well fess up. Cyn: Well, I’m just barfing up ideas here. I think we should have two Facebook pages.
The Internet Needs to Know
Cyn: Make an account. Seems like I have to do that for everything these days. Gender: Cyn: Why is this always so important to you. What do you want from me?!
Grumpy Friends
Cyn: GRRRR GRRRRRR Bingo: poke poke Cyn: GRRRRRR Bingo: Cyn’s grumpy. What do I do? Argent: Give her a steak and leave her alone for a few hours. That usually does the trick.
Stop Thief
Bingo: Stop right there thief! Cyn: What, a banana? C’mon, what are you going to do with
Cyn: I want some cookies! Argent: You just had cake, ice cream, two doughnuts, a banana, and a kiwi. Cyn: Who’s counting? Argent: If you’re hungry, you can eat rice. Cyn: Awww.
Fortune Cookie Rules
Raúl: Bingo: Woah, you can’t look at the fortune until you eat the cookie! Bingo: So you better force down that dry, sugary cardboard.
Get On Board
Cyn: The best way to succeed is to get everybody on board with your idea.Until your ship is sinking.Then you’d best be getting a bigger ship.
Don’t Text
Cyn: C’mon, don’t text and fly.
Language Barriers
Argent: Pass me those crisps. Cyn: Crisps? Huh? Argent: *sigh* Chips. Cyn: Oh, these? Argent: No. No.
Freudian Slip
Cyn: We strive for arrogance. Cyn: Excellence! I mean excellence!
2,000,000 Strawberries
Hey, these taste pretty gooDAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH Music: “Black&White Cinema” by Jet Peks
Argent: Cyn, the library called. They want their books back.
Cyn: I’m going to put “getting endorsed” on my LinkedIn profile and everyone can endorse me on that.
Terms of Service
Cyn: SoIdecidedI’mnotgoingtouseanyspacestoday.
Free Peanuts
Package: Made in a peanut free factory. Dog: Free! Free! Be free!
Trick A Know-It-All
Cyn: How do you spell ‘Kleiner field’? Argent: … Cyn: Hah, I totally made that word up.
Kleiner Field
Bingo: Well, it’s a long story, but basically he ends up in a Kleiner field. Argent: What’s a Kleiner field? Bingo: Oh… well, I made it up. Cyn: Haha. Yeah geez Argent, everybody knows what a Kleiner field is. How could you not know what it is?
English Classes
Cyn: I just realized the irony of this.It’s in English.
Waste of Time
Cyn: So you may be thinking,‘Cyn, why did you waste all of that time sticking individual pieces of macaroni to the wall?’To which I say:Nothing is a waste of time if it’s fun.
Balancing Rocks
Cyn: Geology is cool.Go ahead Bingo. Touch this rock. Touch it. Bingo: No…
The Future Is Bright
Cyn: The future is bright. Too bright.I can’t see! My eyes, my eyes!
Sleep Is For The Weak
Argent: Cyn, get some sleep. Cyn: Pffft, sleep is for the weak! Argent: Which is why they should sleep, so they can regain their strength and not be weak any more.
Cyn: From now on, I’m ending all of my sentences like this! I guess I’ll have cereal for breakfast! I’m more exciting now! We need to order more paperclips! If I run out I won’t have enough to use two on every report! Can I have some scissors! Long ago, in a kingdom nobody can… Read more »
OCD Nightmare
Cyn: Some people are really sensitive about germs crawling all over them. I like to tell them this: The air is dirty. Think about it. Think about all the pollution in it. Think about how the air is always touching you. The sooty air, getting grime all over you.
Not All Who Wander
Cyn: Not all who wander are lost.Which could be all except one.Where the heck am I?…
One Man’s Trash
Cyn: If one man’s trash is another man’s treasure, does that mean everything is just “stuff” to women?
Cheese Forever
Waiter: Tell me when. Cyn: Keep going FOREEEEVER. Waiter: Well, we close at 11:30 and I’m here until about 12:30. I’ll get the next guy to take over after that.
Final Final Final Fantasy
Cyn: What’s this? Final Fantasy XXVI?There’s nothing ‘final’ about this!It just keeps going on and on and on. Switch titles with The Neverending Story for crying out loud.
Cookie Jar
Cyn: Oh no, the cookie fell out of the jar.Oh no, it’s in my mouth now.Oh no. Cyn: I was powerless to stop it.
Learning to Type
Raúl: tak tak tak tak tak Cyn: What’s going on here? Bingo: I’m teaching Raúl to type. Cyn: But there are no letters on the keys. Bingo: Oh, it’s like swimming. You throw them in and wait for them to figure it out.
Baby Names
Cyn: Friends of mine are expecting a baby boy.I told them they should name him Oedipus.
Second Amendment
Cyn: Everyone has the right to bear arms.RRRAAAAARGH!
Spending in One Place
Cyn: Hey Argent, I got you something!Don’t go spending it all in one place, now. Argent: Cyn, this is a gift card.By definition I have to spend it all in one place.
Spice of Life
Bingo: If variety is the spice of lifeThen life must be something you eat?
Knowledge is Power
Cyn: If you think about it, librarians are scary.Their job is to know things.Things you and I don’t know.
Office Plants
Cyn: Wait a minute…These plants are all fake?!
Twitter Follower
Cyn: Hmm.Should you get nervous when the police department follows you on Twitter?
Late Holiday
Cyn: Hey, let’s celebrate Hanukkah this year! Argent: It is a little late for that. Cyn: If it’s only a little… Argent: Two weeks late. Cyn: Boo.
2013 Finale: We’re All Dogs
Cyn: It’s a dog-eat-dog world. And we’re all dogs.